Occupational Pattern and Economic Activities
There were 622328 workers according to 1991 census in the district. It is 29% of the entire population. There were 580168 male and 42160 female workers. Female workers are 6.8%.
Kakwan and Sarvankhera blocks rate high in crop density , while Rasulabad, Sandalpur, Derapur rate low in this regard. Main reasons for low cultivation in these blocks are uneven lands and lack of sources of irrigation. Derapur and Sandalpur do well in cash crops, while other blocks do not do so well. Derapur and Jhinjhak rank high from the angle of reported net sown areas, Kakvan and Maitha blocks rank low. Blocks Malasa, Amraudha,Sandalpur and Derapur respectively are counted in developed category regarding cultivation per farmer, while blocks Kakvan and Maitha come in under developed category.
The rural population by and large depends upon agriculture. This hardly supports their sustenance due to small holdings. The labour is not assured throughout the year. Thus they thrive on paltry income. It is evident from above table that 70.1% farmers have less than one hectare of land and these account for only 27.1 per cent of area. This reflects the state of disparities in economic status the people which is largely dependent on ownership of land.