

Ramabai Nagar has a population of 15.63 lakhs (as per 2001 census) out of which females are 7.18 lakh and males are 8.44 lakh. The ratio between males and females is 1000 : 852, while this ratio at state level is 1000:879. Rural population outweighs urban population. Only 107767 persons stay in towns. The population of Scheduled Caste persons in the district is 24.8%. The population of Scheduled Tribes is negligible. Total number of ST persons in the district is 382.

Item Unit
Area 3021 Sq Km.
No. of Tehsil 6
No. of Block 10
No. of Nyay Panchayat 102
No. of Gram Panchayats 640
No. of Villages 1031
No. of Nagar Palika Parishad 2
No. of Nagar Panchayat 7